
A message from our CEO

Sustainability has been a fundamental part of the BAUX business model since we launched in 2013.

Ever since the inception of BAUX in 2013, and particularly after the release of our inaugural climate report in 2020, we have firmly committed ourselves to demonstrating to the design industry the immense dedication, resources, and inventive thinking required to achieve complete sustainability. Our endeavour encompasses not only the provision of authentically sustainable materials but also an array of diverse initiatives.

One of our initiatives involves the implementation of the BAUX take-back program, emphasising the recovery and reuse of materials, and our strong dedication to circularity.

These endeavours aim to educate and motivate the design industry regarding the significance of sustainable practices while exemplifying the practical measures necessary to create meaningful environmental change.

We strive for authentic, transparent, and verifiable actions that truly make a difference, not just for our bottom line but for the planet we all call home.

Fredrik Franzon
Stockholm, 2023

Guiding Principles

BAUX Circle Programme

Download Sustainability Report 2022

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